Back to Vampire Diaries

***some spoilers for season 6 of TVD***

The Vampire Diaries was one of my favorite shows since it first aired in 2009. At the time no one else I knew was watching it. I had read the first book and thought it was immature and boring but after the first few episodes I could already tell it was going to be better. And it was. Than after season 2 started my family and some friends jumped on the bandwagon and became in love with the show as well. Then when season 2 came around and the Originals  made an appearance the show just continued to get better. Unfortunately when The Originals got their own show TVD declined in entertainment. I tried to continue watching and stopped by season 6 which I was dragging myself to watch. But after that season finale I was done with the show. It was already getting boring but now that my ship was gone I just didn’t see the point anymore.

I said many times that I want go back and finish the show unless Elena comes back for the finale. And well sure enough she is! Am I surprised? A little, but a tv series is finally doing what we all want. A promise of a return character. Now I do not love Elena’s character and find her quit annoying but I will always ship Elena and Damon. So here I am trying to catch up on season 7 on Netflix so I can catch up on the last season and see how they do Elena’s return. I’m also very curious how this is going to effect The Originals if it does. TVD is currently skipping 3 years time and based of the trailers of The Originals they are also skipping yars in time. I’m very curious and excited about the return of The Originals.